Work in progress


Blue Planet ||
David Attenborough returns to the world's oceans in this sequel to the acclaimed documentary filming rare and unusual creatures of the deep, as well as documenting the problems our oceans face.

From looking at the brief I familiarised myself with the Animal Kingdom collection from Burberry. The graphic prints used on the garments was something that I was interested using, but I wanted to venture into a different area of the ‘animal kingdom’. I watched a few wildlife documentaries to get some inspiration and became interested in a particular one called Blue Planet. I was enlightened into the intelligence and creativity of the creatures from the ocean. I began to think the format of these little stories about the creatures could be translated to the garments I would make. Within my usual work I tend to work with characters and create an atmosphere for digital clothing. This also made me think about children’s books and the illustrations within them, which I thought could be interesting to use this style for the prints and create a loose storyboard format that would be placed on the garment. With this style I wanted it to be simple to appeal to children, being something aesthetically pleasing, but also present a simple message at the same time. Each character presents one positive message that I believe children should hold for themselves. For example The first garment presents a persistent fish who continuously knocks a shell against some rocks to crack it open for food, which he eventually succeeds in. The second garments shows an octopus sucking shells from around them towards their body in order to create a camouflage to protect them from predators. The clothes themselves are relatively simple in design making them easy to wear and applicable for all ages from 4-10. The illustrations are placed around the waist of the garments emulating that idea of a storyboard or comic strips, presenting this positive message in a way that a superhero would, but instead with a creature from the ocean.