Gulp, Rip, Buzz, Woohoo, Wha-psh are a collection of five videos including digital characters which explore the concept of animal welfare. The work is inspired by PETA’s ethos; ‘animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for our entertainment or abuse in any other way’. As a form of 'visual activism’ the collection reflects data and research to share the issues in an alternative form, to open a conversation about how we can improve the way animals are treated by us and within these industries.
Wha-psh is based on the abuse of animals focusing on the coconut industry in Thailand where there have been reports of monkey labour. The monkey’s are chained and forcibly trained to pick coconuts. They are removed from their habitat, beaten and tortured and made to work for hours to collect coconuts.
Gulp references the often unseen or overlooked happenings within the meat and dairy industry. The character references how the animals are overfed to ‘fatten up’ and fast track growth before being killed for meat. The central part of the character further shows the excessive size the animals are made to be, there are smaller characters pulling from underneath referring to the demand of these products. The character is positioned on a small surface pointing to the lack of movement the dairy cows are allowed to have throughout their lives. The base of water and soil references how the combination of these problems not only have an effect on the animals, but contributes to the destruction of the environment too.
Buzz looks at the mistreatment and use of animals in experiments, of which more than 9 million animals are experimented on in Europe every year. Two characters are attached to a metal structure as if they are hostage referencing how the animals are trapped and caged in the laboratories. One of the characters focuses on the cosmetic testing on animals, the rabbit- like figure is marked with various colours around its face, it’s eyes are removed and the body is misshapen pointing to the results of this testing on animals. The other character further references the entrapment aspect, the head piece the character wears is reminiscent of equipment used in medical experiments, including electric shocks.
Woohoo offers an insight into the ‘tradition’ of bullfighting, highlighting the torture and exhaustion the bulls face before being killed. The characters are placed face to face within an arena, to reference how this is usually portrayed as a fair fight. However the bull is severely wounded and typically isolated in the dark for 48 hours prior to the ‘fight’ to deliberately cause them confusion and anguish. The stance also refers to how the bulls are made to look dangerous, but are just trying to protect themselves. The number of weapons in the bulls body indicate the extent of the torment they experience, only when they are mentally and physically drained are they killed.
Rip looks at the treatment of animals when removing their skin or fur to be made into clothes. The character is stretched referencing this idea of removing, the skin is red and blotchy pointing to how the animals are abused and slaughtered to meet the demands of the industry. The smaller characters are on the body removing these materials as the main character is in this stance of trying to escape. Material cascades to the floor from the body as if it’s being torn from the animal to be made into an item of clothing, referencing the mistreatment and torment the animals experience through this process.

Buzz looks at the mistreatment and use of animals in experiments, of which there are more than 9 million animals are experimented on in Europe every year. From cosmetic testing to medical experiments the animals are confined to cages and suffer severe injuries as a result of the tests. The tests range from ‘poison’ tests for chemicals to electrocution.

Gulp references the often unseen or overlooked happenings within the meat and dairy industry. The character references how the animals are overfed to ‘fatten up’ and fast track growth before being killed for meat. Also how dairy cows are refined to tiny spaces, unable to move and turned into milk producing machines. Also referencing how the combination of these problems not only have an effect on the animals, but contributes to the destruction of the environment too.

Wha-psh is based on the abuse of animals focusing on the coconut industry in Thailand where there have been reports of monkey labour. The monkey’s are chained and forcibly trained to pick coconuts. They are removed from their habitat, beaten and tortured and made to work for hours to collect coconuts.

Rip looks at how animals are treated when obtaining materials for fashion. Referencing not only how animals are slaughtered to meet the demands of the leather industry, but how they are also abused, tortured and sometimes killed for materials such as feathers and wool.

Woohoo is based on the mistreatment of animals as entertainment, focusing on the ‘tradition’ of bullfighting. The bulls are often isolated in darkness for 48 hours prior to the ‘fight’ to increase their confusion and anguish when they are released into the light of the arena. The bulls are typically physically and mentally drained before they are finally killed.